Outsourcing Google ads: is it worth the investment?


Have you ever considered outsourcing your Google Ads, but wonder if it's worth the investment? You're not the only one. Many businesses face this choice and want to know if outsourcing their Google Ads campaigns will actually benefit them.

Key Takeaways

  • The benefits of outsourcing Google Ads.
  • Exactly how the process of outsourcing works.
  • Why G365 Marketing could be the right partner for your Google Ads needs.

What are the benefits of outsourcing Google Ads?

Outsourcing Google Ads can be a smart move for companies looking to increase their online visibility without investing the time and resources needed to manage campaigns. One of the biggest advantages is the expertise offered by a specialist marketing agency like G365 Marketing. With years of experience and a deep understanding of the market, they can optimise campaigns for maximum results.

Moreover, outsourcing Google Ads saves your precious time. Instead of spending hours analysing data and adjusting ads, you can focus on other important aspects of your business. This means not only that you work more efficiently, but also that your campaigns are managed by professionals who know what they are doing.

Another advantage is access to advanced tools and technologies. Marketing agencies often have access to premium tools that are not always available to individual companies. These tools can help you accurately target your audience and improve the performance of your ads.

What are the most important factors to consider when determining the right Google Ads budget for your business?

Corporate goals:

What are the specific goals of your Google Ads campaigns? Do you want to drive more traffic to your website, generate leads, or make direct sales? Your goals will influence how much you are willing to invest.

Competitive analysis:

Research the competition in your sector. How much do they spend on Google Ads? This can give you an idea of what your minimum investment should be to stay competitive.

Cost per click (CPC):

The average cost per click in your industry or for your specific keywords can vary greatly. Use tools like the Google Keyword Planner to get an estimate of CPCs.

Conversion rate:

What is your current conversion rate? This helps you calculate how many clicks you need to achieve a certain amount of conversions, and therefore how much you need to spend to reach your goals.

Customer Lifetime Value (CLV):

How much is a new customer worth to your business over the long term? A higher CLV can justify a higher advertising budget.

Budget allocation:

How much of your total marketing budget are you willing to spend on Google Ads? This should be balanced with other marketing channels and strategies.


Are there certain times of the year when your products or services are more popular? Your budget may vary depending on seasonal demand.

Testing and optimisation:

Start with a test budget to see which keywords, ads and strategies work best. Use the results to further optimise your budget.

Target audience:

How big is your target audience and how specifically do you want to target it? A wider target group may require a larger budget, while a highly targeted campaign may need less budget.

Advertising position:

Where do you want your ads to appear? Higher positions in search results can be more expensive, but also offer more visibility and possibly better results.


Take into account the expected Return on Investment (ROI) and Return on Ad Spend (ROAS). Make sure your budget is in line with expected returns.

By carefully considering these factors, you can make an informed decision on the right Google Ads budget for your business.


How exactly does outsourcing Google Ads work?

The process of outsourcing Google Ads usually starts with a thorough analysis of your current marketing strategy and goals. At G365 Marketing, for example, we first conduct a comprehensive interview to understand your specific needs and goals. This helps us develop a tailored strategy that matches your business goals.

A detailed plan is then drawn up, including setting up campaigns, selecting the right keywords and creating attractive ad copy. Our marketing agency will also constantly monitor and optimise the performance of the campaigns to ensure you get the best results.

An important aspect of outsourcing Google Ads is reporting. G365 Marketing offers regular reports and updates, so you are always aware of the progress and results of your campaigns. This transparent process ensures that you know exactly where your investment is going and what results you can expect.

How Google ads campaign via G365 Marketing Agency works

  1. In-depth analysis of keywords: Our experts start with an in-depth analysis of the keywords relevant to your business and industry. We use advanced tools to determine the average cost per click (CPC) and competition for each keyword.
  2. Defining campaign goals: Together with you, we set clear and measurable goals for your campaign. Whether you want to generate more website traffic, leads, or direct sales, we will help you focus your goals.

  3. Customised cost estimate: Based on the keywords and your campaign goals, we calculate a detailed cost estimate. We take into account factors such as the expected number of clicks, conversion rates, and the average CPC.

  4. Optimisation and adjustment: Our approach does not stop at the initial calculation. We continuously monitor and optimise your campaigns to make sure you get the most out of your budget. This means we regularly analyse performance and make adjustments where necessary.

  5. Transparent reports or a live dashboard: You will regularly receive detailed reports in which we provide insight into the progress of your campaign and its costs. Or, upon request, we can create a customised dashboard linked to your campaigns. So you know exactly where your money is going and what the results are.

SEA can be combined, aligned together with your SEO strategy.

We recommend combining SEA with your SEO strategy to get the most out of your Google Ads. Want to know more? Or would you like to know more about how to improve your SEO results? Then read this article on the impact of anchor text on SEO results.


With years of experience in managing successful Google Ads campaigns, we know exactly how to get the maximum return on your investment. We don't believe in one-size-fits-all. Every campaign we manage is fully tailored to the unique needs and goals of your business.

Outsourcing Google Ads can be a worthwhile investment for businesses looking to increase their online presence without the complexity of managing campaigns. With the expertise, time savings and advanced tools offered by an agency like G365 Marketing, you can take your marketing efforts to the next level.

Want to know exactly what a Google Ads campaign will cost for your business? Contact G365 Marketing today for a free consultation. Together, we'll make sure you make the most of every euro of your advertising budget.


1. What does it cost to outsource Google Ads?

Costs vary depending on the size and complexity of your campaigns. It is best to get a quote from an agency like G365 Marketing for an accurate estimate.

2. How soon can I expect results?

Results can vary, but many companies see improvements in their ad performance within a few weeks. It is important to be patient and give campaigns time to optimise.

3. Can I still track my campaigns if I outsource them?

Yes, most agencies offer regular reports and updates, so you are always aware of the progress and results of your campaigns.

4. What happens if my campaigns do not produce the desired results?

A good agency will constantly monitor and optimise the performance of your campaigns. If the results do not meet expectations, they will make adjustments to improve performance.

5. Is outsourcing Google Ads suitable for small businesses?

Yes, outsourcing Google Ads can be very beneficial for small businesses looking to increase their online visibility without investing the time and resources needed to manage campaigns. For small businesses or startups just starting out, a monthly budget of €300 to €500 can be enough to generate some visibility and traffic.

6. Is there a minimum budget with Google ads?

Google Ads does not require a strict minimum daily budget, but a good starting point could be around €10 per day. This works out to around €300 per month.

7. What is an ideal budget for medium-sized companies?

Medium-sized companies may consider spending between €1000 and €5000 per month, depending on their goals and the competition in their sector.

8. What is a good Google Ads budget for large companies?

Large companies with aggressive marketing goals can have budgets ranging from €10,000 to €50,000 per month or more.

9. Can you adjust your Google ads budget in the interim?

Google Ads offers the flexibility to adjust your budget at any time. This means you can start with a small budget and gradually increase it as you see more results. Start with a smaller test budget to see which keywords and ads perform best. Use this data to further optimise your budget.


Outsource Google ads

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