
G365 Marketing


Why outsource SEA to G365 Marketing?

Getting maximum return from your marketing budget

Expertise and experience
Our team consists of certified SEA specialists with years of experience in various industries. We constantly keep abreast of the latest developments in the digital marketing world.

Are you curious to know more details about our Search Engine Advertising (SEA) services? I am ready to answer all your questions! Be it specific strategies, pricing models or expected results - don't hesitate to get in touch.

I would like to invite you to a relaxed, no-obligation meeting where we can explore how SEA can improve your online visibility. Together, we can discuss how we can achieve your goals and strengthen your digital presence.

Do you have a moment this week to call or video chat? I'm happy to listen to your needs and share my expertise to help you move forward. Let me know what's most convenient, and we'll schedule something that fits your schedule.

I look forward to helping you grow with targeted and effective SEA strategies!

Gaby Tenda, marketing

Table of contents

Concentrated businesslady analysing data in paperwork at hotel
Search Engine Advertising

Our SEA services include:

Woman analysing marketing research statistics in coworking space

Keyword research and analysis

  1. Identifying relevant keywords with high search volume.
  2. Analysing search intent behind keywords.
  3. Discovering long-tail keywords with less competition.
  4. Continuous monitoring and updating of keyword performance.

Setting up and optimising Google Ads campaigns

  1. Creating targeted ad groups.
  2. Writing catchy ad copy.
  3. Implement relevant ad extensions.
  4. Optimising bidding strategies.
  5. Refining audience targeting.

A/B testing of ad texts

  1. Develop multiple ad variants.
  2. Systematically testing different headlines, descriptions and CTAs.
  3. Analyse test results for continuous improvement.
  4. Implement best-performing variants.
Web design software

Landing page optimisation

  1. Aligning landing pages with ad content.
  2. Optimising loading speed and user experience.
  3. Improve conversion elements (CTAs, forms, etc.)
  4. Implement persuasive copywriting techniques.
Internet, networking and digital transformation with woman and tablet for global communication, web

Comprehensive competitive analysis

  1. Monitoring competing ads and keywords.
  2. Analysing competing landing pages.
  3. Identify gaps in the market for new opportunities.
  4. Benchmarking your performance against the competition.
Magnet attract customers towards the shopping cart.

Advanced remarketing campaigns

  1. Setting up dynamic remarketing.
  2. Creation of customised audiences based on website behaviour.
  3. Develop targeted messages for different stages of the customer journey.
  4. Optimising frequency and timing of remarketing ads.

Effective Display Advertising

  1. Designing visually appealing banner ads.
  2. Targeting relevant websites and apps within the Google Display Network.
  3. Implement different display formats (static, animated, responsive).
  4. Optimising placements for maximum visibility and ROI.
sony fx3

Impactful YouTube Advertising

  1. Creating engaging video ads.
  2. Optimise video campaigns for different objectives (reach, views, conversions).
  3. Implement various YouTube ad formats (TrueView, bumper ads, etc.).
  4. Analyse and improve video performance metrics.
Web design Project Desk

Continuous management and optimisation

  1. Regular reports.
  2. Daily monitoring of campaign performance.
  3. Regularly adjust bids and budgets.
  4. Updating ad copy and keywords based on seasonality and trends.
  5. Proactively advise on new opportunities and strategies.
Gaby Tenda

SEA Specialist Gaby Tenda

More than 20 years of experience in advertising, multilingual and various budgets

"Proven success in international SEA campaigns. Our expertise in various languages and cultures has already helped countless companies increase their online visibility."

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+31 622119002

SEO strategy


What is SEA and why is it important for my business?

SEA stands for Search Engine Advertising. It is a form of online marketing where we place ads in search engines such as Google. SEA is important because it makes YOUR business directly visible to potential customers who are actively searching for products or services, leading to more targeted traffic and higher conversions.

Why should I outsource SEA instead of doing it myself?

SEA requires specific expertise, constant monitoring and optimisation. By outsourcing to our professional team, you save time, benefit from our years of experience and advanced tools, and can focus on core activities while we ensure optimal results.

How long does it take to see results from SEA campaigns?

SEA can deliver results almost immediately in terms of visibility. However, optimal performance and ROI usually require a period of 3-6 months to refine and optimise campaigns based on collected data.

How does G365 Marketing measure the success of SEA campaigns?

We measure success using KPIs that align with your business objectives. These can include click rate (CTR), conversion rate, cost per click (CPC), cost per acquisition (CPA), return on ad spend (ROAS) and overall ROI. We provide regular, detailed reports to provide insight into progress.

How much does it cost to outsource SEA to G365 Marketing?

Costs vary depending on specific needs, industry and budget. We offer customised packages to suit companies of all sizes. Contact us for a tailor-made quote.

Can G365 Marketing take over and improve my existing SEA campaigns?

Absolutely! We start with a thorough audit of your existing campaigns, identify areas for improvement and implement our proven strategies to optimise performance.

How often do I get updates on the performance of my campaigns?

We provide comprehensive monthly reports and analysis. In addition, we are always available for questions and provide updates when there are significant developments or opportunities.

Does G365 Marketing only work with large companies or also with small businesses?

We work with companies of all sizes, from small local businesses to large multinationals. Our approach is always tailored to the specific needs and scale of your business.

Can I combine SEA with other digital marketing services from G365 Marketing?

Sure! We often recommend an integrated approach. SEA works great in combination with SEO, content marketing, social media advertising and other digital marketing strategies for maximum online visibility and results.